Published Comic!
This comic that I did a while back is finally published in CAIS magazine (October…
Pro Bono Illustration
IV Jornadas de Comunicação e Multimédia
I was invited to talk about my carrer as a Digital Artist at UTAD -…
Interviewed by OLHO
I was interviewed by Olho - a portuguese Filme Festival - where I talked about…
Featured Work
My work is featured on Blender Nation and on Blender Artists (here and here)!!!
Tutorial for 3D World
This a tutorial I wrote for 3D World #262 showing the process of sculpting, modeling,…
Comic Story publish in JANKENPON
The first comic I ever drew was published in the Portuguese Manga Journal "JAN KEN…
Jan Ken Pon
The 1st comic I ever did was publish in a Portuguese Manga Newspaper called "JanKenPon".…
Animation Insider Interview I was in interviewed by animation Insider.You can read the Full Inteview here:
Perspectives on Opening Moments
My Master Thesis animation short was blogged by the company Opening Moments.
Perspectives on MONSTRA 2013 Oficial selection
My Master Thesis Animation short was on the Official Selection of MONSTRA 2013on-page you can…
BFX visual effects competition
BFX visual effects competition open for entry and guess which image was used to advertise…
“Perspectives” was selected for the Aniwow!
"Perspectives", my Master Thesis animation Short, was selected for the Official Competition in the category…